VBS 어린이 여름성경학교 (6/12-16, 7/10-7/14) > 교회소식

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VBS 어린이 여름성경학교 (6/12-16, 7/10-7/14)

페이지 정보

작성자 콘트라코스타UMC
댓글 0건 조회 399회 작성일 23-04-22 10:42


VBS 어린이 여름성경학교 STELLAR: Shine Jesus' Light

6/12()~6/16(), 9:30AM-12:30PM

7/10()~7/14(), 9:30AM-12:30PM 

(등록 문의: 이미나 전도사 (773) 595-0785; minn1232@naver.com)

Day1. Jesus comes as a baby to be king.

— when life feels dark, shine Jeans’ light.

Day2. Jesus accepts Zacchaeus. 

— when people don’t get along, shine Jesus’s light. 

Day3. Jesus enters Jerusalem as a king. 

— when good things happen, shine Jesus’ light. 

Day4. Jesus cares for his mother during his crucifixion. 

— when people are sad, shine Jesus’ light. 

Day5. Philip helps the Ethiopian.

— when people need help, shine Jesus’ light. 


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